Wests Driving School Covid-19 Driving Tuition Safety Checklist

Checklist: Before The Lesson

Instructor Preparation:

  • Have you had symptoms, which are related to Covid-19 in the last 7 days or been in contact with someone who has in the last 14 days? If you have then remain quarantined until 7 days after the symptoms have passed.
  • Keep disposable gloves, face masks, a bottle of hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, and a bin bag in the car.
  • Clean the car thoroughly inside between learners, using bacteria killing spray on regularly touched surfaces e.g. steering wheel and gear stick.
  • Have a bin bag in the car to put the antibacterial wipes and used gloves.
  • Notify the learner that you will be practicing a ‘no-touch’ policy i.e. not shaking hands to greet or sharing physical visual aids.
  • Before the lesson starts, chat with the learner outside of the car for a few minutes to gauge if you feel comfortable they are symptom-free
  • Remove anything in the car which is difficult to sanitise and could pose a risk to drivers during driving lessons e.g. beaded seat covers.
  • Gain prior agreement from the learner that they will adhere to all of your Covid-19 safety requirements.

Request of the Learner:

  • Ask if the learner has had Covid-19 symptoms in the last 7 days or if they have been in contact with someone who has.
  • Request the learner wash their hands thoroughly (for 20 seconds or longer) immediately before leaving the house.
  • Request the learner wear clean clothing which covers up as much of their skin as possible.
  • Confirm the learners will be by themselves for the lesson. Parents or guardians will not be able to join for the lesson.
  • Ask if the learner has any additional safety requests beyond what you have shared e.g. wearing a mask.

Checklist: During the Lesson

  • Keep the windows wound down as low as is reasonable to allow for ventilation.
  • If notes are needed, share them digitally i.e. by email.
  • Try to avoid directly facing each other when talking.
  • Request electronic payment instead of cash exchanging hands.
  • Be respectful if the learner driver at any point says they do not feel comfortable due to perceived Covid-19 risks.
  • If you provide a demonstration, then before you swap positions clean the driver seat area with anti-bacterial spray.

Checklist: After the Lesson

  • Wipe the car with anti-bacterial wipes and dispose of them in the bin bag.
  • Prompt the learner driver to wash their hands thoroughly at the next available opportunity.
  • Thoroughly wash your own hands with hand sanitiser.
  • Ask the learner if they were comfortable during the lesson and ask if they would like any further precautions to be taken in the next lesson.
  • Restrict your cars’ usage exclusively to driving lessons to reduce the risk of bacteria entering the car.

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